Thursday, September 26, 2019

Rust and the C preprocessor.

I'm a long time C and C++ programmer.

And I enjoy using the C preprocessor also.

Trying out Rust.

But I must have those "tables", and the Rust macros are not good, so I must have the C preprocessor.


cc = "1.0"

use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
extern crate cc;

fn main() {
 let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
 let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("");
 let mut f = File::create(&dest_path).unwrap();

 let c = &mut cc::Build::new();
 // Preprocess w/o line numbers
 // -EP for Visual C++
 // -E -P for gcc
 // TODO Compiler detection.
 // Nothing works, so remove line directives ourselves.

 for s in String::from_utf8(c.expand()).unwrap().lines() {
  let bytes = s.as_bytes();
  if bytes.len() > 0 && bytes [0] != b'#' {

The .h file looks like this:

#ifdef FOO



#undef FOO
#define FOO(...)
#include __FILE__

#undef FOO
#define FOO(...)
#include __FILE__


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

C++ disappointment? Member functions adding parameters?

This seems like such a basic thing:

int foo(int local, int context);​
struct A​
    int context;​
    int foo (int local)​
        //return foo (local, context);​ // would be nice, but not legal
        return ::foo (local, context);​ // workaround

And then wrap it in a namespace:

namespace n1​
int foo(int local, int context);​
struct A​
    int context;​
    int foo (int local)​
        return ::foo (local, context);​ // no longer correct

it seems to me there are two principles violated here:
  1. I shouldn't have to disambiguate in the first place. The lexical scopes should be merged. Too ambiguous?
2. If I have to disambiguate, code should not have to know what namespace it is in.
I should be able to wrap existing code in namespaces w/o breaking it.