This seems to me related to "template traits parameters"
and "the curiously recurring template pattern", but it is a bit different than both.
So I have just a few explict template instantiations,
and my code is mostly not in headers, so previously I had:
template <typename T1, bool f1, bool f2, etc.>
class foo_t
void Function1();
void Function2();
etc. a fair number
and then
template <typename T1, bool f1, bool f2, etc.>
void class foo_t<T1, f1, f2>::Function1() { ... }
template <typename T1, bool f1, bool f2, etc.>
void class foo_t<T1, f1, f2>::Function2() { ... }
etc. a fair number
This bugged me for two reasons:
1. The usual unnamed parameter problem, what does true/false mean:
foo_t<x, true, false> mean.
and then in the debugger:
foo_t<x, 1, 0>
Functions have the same problem.
Coworker highlighted this actually.
2. As there were a fair number of functions, changing the template parameter list was tedious. Because, again, I had a fair number of functions, in a separate .cpp file.
So, I finally decided to use variadic templates and I now have:
template <typename ...Types>
struct foo_t : Types... { ... };
foo_t inherits from its template parameters.
Now changing the parameter list is not tedious.
Instantiations are like:
foo_t<fooarg1<true>, fooarg2<false>>
The factoring of the template parameter-dependantness can take multiple forms.
They include:
template <bool f> struct fooarg1;
template <> struct fooarg1<false> { implement stuff here };
template <> struct fooarg1<true> { implement stuff here };
template <bool f> struct fooarg2 { enum { arg2 = f }; };
template <typename ...Types>
void foo_t<Types...>::function1() { if (arg2) ... }
This second case might look like a conditional branch, but any half decent
compiler will optimize it.
Debugger now says foo_t<x, fooarg1<0>, fooarg2<1>> etc.
and changing the template parameter list requires only localized edits.
(Again, I have very few instantiations).
There were other details as to how this affected my interaction with assembly,
this it shouldn't matter for typical applications (Yes, I use C++ templates and assembly).
- Jay