- Combining GIT repositories.
- Combining GIT repositories and SVN repositories.
- Keeping git svn working on Mac OS X.
I have:
In particular, I have three repositories, with no overlap
in file paths.
I wish to have:
I do NOT wish to push stuff under a new root:
gitnew/git1/stuff/something.c I do NOT want this.
gitnew/git2/other/blah.c I do NOT want this.
gitnew/svn3/project/foo.c I do NOT want this.
NOT even picking one of the git repositories
to house the others in subdirectories:
git1/stuff/something.c This is ok.
git1/git2/other/blah.c I do NOT want this.
git1/svn3/project/foo.c I do NOT want this.
I will likely have no further use of git2 and svn3.
This is a one time one direction conversion.
All the repositories are small.
All have a small number of changelists.
All have no branches.
All have just one committer -- me.
All have little commercial interest.
If I messed up, it would be ok.
If I lost history, it would be ok.
But ideally, no mess up, and history is preserved.
I have very little experience with either git or subversion.
This stuff is mostly documented online by others.
Some things I did not do, or tried but gave up on:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10014054/git-2-svn-migration (NOT)
http://jasonkarns.com/blog/merge-two-git-repositories-into-one/ (NOT)
Close, but several of these steps didn't work or weren't needed.
My git doesn't have a "ci" command.
read-tree -- more obscure stuff, that I didn't use.
I tried this briefly, no luck:
http://www.subgit.com/ (NOT)
I wanted to use a minimal of commands that made a maximum amount of sense to me.
I acknowledge that I don't understand git much and haven't use svn much.
I use Perforce usually.
The basic steps are:
convert svn to new temporary git repository
add new svn-converted git repository as a remote, and pull it
add "git2" as a remote, and pull it
You have to say --allow-unrelated-histories.
git svn is typically broken on Mac OS X.
Some error about perl SVN::Core.pm.
Everyone says to make some links, but that didn't work.
I only had the developer tool command line tools installed.
Everyone else uses Xcode.
Solution is to adjust the links, or give in and install Xcode.
I also tried to install svn, but it failed to build because
something about my httpd. I was going to build that, but, ended up
just installing Xcode.
I did not use anything related submodules or subtrees or grafting.
I don't know what they are, so it is nice to not use them.
Github automates the svn to git conversion and that conversion
worked for me, but I also had done it myself on the command line
and that worked. I used the local command line conversion instead
of the github one.
Resembling: http://john.albin.net/git/convert-subversion-to-git
I did something like this:
git svn clone [SVN repo URL] gitsvn
git clone ... git2
cd git1
git remote git2 ../git2
git remote add gitsvn ../gitsvn
git pull git2 master --allow-unrelated-histories
git pull gitsvn master --allow-unrelated-histories
It is quite possible I would have been better off with the github
gui for part of this. In particular, it prompts for the author stuff.